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Torch on roofing, also known as torch down roofing, is a popular roofing method that provides durable and long-lasting protection for residential and commercial structures roof installation. This innovative technique involves the application of modified bitumen sheets to create a robust, waterproof, and weather-resistant roofing system.

In this article, we will delve into the details of what is torch on roofing, discussing its benefits, installation process, and maintenance requirements.

Introduction to Torch On Roofing

Torch on roofing is a type of roofing system that utilizes modified bitumen sheets. These sheets are made from asphalt and are reinforced with added polymers for enhanced durability. The term “torch on” refers to the method used to adhere the sheets to the roof. A roofing torch is used to heat the asphalt underside of the sheets, which melts and forms a strong bond with the roof surface.

Benefits of Torch On Roofing

Torch on roofing offers several advantages, making it a preferred choice of roof installation for many flat roofs and property owners. Some key benefits include:

Waterproofing: The modified bitumen material provides excellent waterproofing superior waterproofing, ensuring that water doesn’t seep into your property with additional coating.

Durability: Torch on roofs can withstand various weather conditions, including heavy rain, snow, and even hail.

Flexibility: The roofing material remains flexible even in cold temperatures, extreme temperatures, moisture issues, and everyday wear, preventing cracks and damage.

Longevity: A well-installed torch on roof can last for decades, requiring minimal maintenance by commercial roofing contractors.

Seamless Installation: Torch down sheets are welded together, creating a seamless and tight roofing surface with ease of installation and a simple process.

Materials Needed for Torch On Roofing

Before you begin the torch on roofing installation by Commercial roofing contractors, gather the necessary materials:

  • Modified bitumen sheets
  • Roofing torch
  • Base layer material
  • Cap sheet material
  • Roofing nails and screws
  • Roofing adhesive
  • Primer

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Preparing the Roof Surface

One of the initial and critical steps is preparing the roof surface. This involves meticulously cleaning the roof removing debris, dirt, and any loose material. Additionally, inspecting the surface for any existing damage or issues is essential to address them before proceeding. Proper preparation sets the foundation for a successful installation process, ensuring that the chosen roofing material adheres effectively and performs optimally over time, regardless of the type of roof involved.

Applying the Base Layer

In the context of commercial buildings, applying the base roofing layer is a pivotal stage in the construction process. This foundational step involves laying down the primary material that forms the initial protective barrier for the roof. This layer acts as a safeguard against weather elements and helps establish a secure foundation for the subsequent roofing components. Paying meticulous attention to detail during this phase, including ensuring a proper seal on metal flashings and maintaining uniform coverage, is essential for the overall integrity and durability of the roofing system. The meticulous application of the base layer not only establishes the groundwork for additional roofing layers but also contributes significantly to the long-term performance and resilience of the roof, safeguarding the building and its occupants.

Installing the Torch Down Sheets

Installing the torch down sheets is undertaken by professional roofing companies when working with torch down roofing systems. This method involves meticulously affixing modified bitumen sheets to the roof surface using controlled heat, which ensures proper adhesion and creates a watertight seal. The process requires precision and expertise, as the application of heat must be carefully managed to avoid damaging the roofing material or compromising its integrity. By adeptly installing the torch down sheets, roofing companies ensure that the roofing system achieves the desired durability, weather resistance, and longevity while providing effective protection for the building underneath.

Sealing the Seams

Sealing the seams is a crucial phase in various construction and fabrication processes. Whether it’s in roofing, plumbing, or manufacturing, ensuring a tight and secure connection between different components is essential to prevent leaks, structural weaknesses, and inefficiencies. This process often involves the application of sealants, adhesives, or specialized techniques to create a seamless and impermeable bond. Properly sealed seams not only enhance the overall durability and functionality of the finished product but also contribute to aesthetic cohesion and long-term performance, underscoring the significance of meticulous seam sealing across a range of applications.

Adding the Cap Sheet

Adding the cap sheet involves placing the final layer of material atop the underlying structure. Whether it’s a roofing project or other architectural applications, the cap sheet serves as a protective barrier against environmental elements, enhancing both durability and aesthetics. This layer is meticulously chosen to provide the desired level of weather resistance, UV protection, and overall performance. Skillful installation of the cap sheet ensures that the structure is well-shielded, maintaining its integrity over time and contributing to the overall longevity and visual appeal of the finished product.

Applying the Final Heat

Final heat is often used to solidify and secure components in place. Whether it’s in welding, molding, or certain roofing techniques, controlled heat application is employed to ensure proper adhesion, curing, or shaping of materials. This step demands precision and careful monitoring to avoid overheating or damaging the materials involved. By skillfully applying the final heat, practitioners achieve structural integrity, longevity, and optimal functionality, underscoring the significance of this process in achieving successful and durable outcomes across a range of applications.

Comparing Torch On Roofing with Other Methods

Torch On Roofing vs. Asphalt Shingles

Torch on roofing offers more excellent durability and lifespan than traditional asphalt shingles. While shingles can deteriorate over time, the torch on roofing remains resilient for all roofing types and is a major advantage.

Torch On Roofing vs. EPDM Roofing

Unlike EPDM roofing, which is a rubber membrane, torch on roofing provides added strength due to its modified bitumen composition. It can withstand foot traffic and has better resistance to punctures, which are some benefits of torch.

Factors Affecting Torch On Roofing Costs

Several factors contribute to the overall cost of installing a torch on roof:

Roof Size and Complexity: Larger and more intricate type roofs require more materials and labor.

Choice of Materials: Higher quality materials may increase the initial cost but offer better longevity.

Labor and Installation Expenses: Professional installation ensures proper bonding and reduces future issues and is a popular choice for buidlings.

Maintaining a Torch On Roof

To prolong the life of your torch on roof, follow these maintenance tips:

Regular Inspections: Check for signs of damage, such as cracks or loose seams, and address them promptly as a maintenance option.

Clearing Debris and Dirt: Keep the roof clean to prevent debris from accumulating and blocking water flow.

Handling Repairs: If you notice any issues, contact a professional roofer to perform repairs.

Longevity and Durability

Longevity and durability are essential qualities in any product, structure, or system, reflecting their ability to withstand the test of time and environmental challenges. Whether it’s a building, a piece of equipment, or even a material, longevity pertains to its extended lifespan and sustained functionality. Durability, on the other hand, emphasizes the capacity to endure stress, wear, and adverse conditions without succumbing to damage or deterioration. Achieving both longevity and durability requires thoughtful design, quality materials, meticulous construction, and consistent maintenance. Products and systems that exhibit these attributes provide not only economic benefits by reducing the need for frequent replacements but also contribute to sustainability and customer satisfaction, marking them as reliable and worthwhile investments. If you want to know about how long do roofs in Canada last, just check out our blog page now!

Is Torch On Roofing Right for You?

Consider the following before opting for torch on roofing:

Considering Your Location: Torch on roofing is ideal for areas with fluctuating weather, damaging weather, wet climate and temperature extremes.

Weighing the Costs and Benefits: While the initial cost may be higher, the long-term durability and effective waterproofing solutions justify the investment over periods of time.

Finding a Professional Torch On Roofing Contractor

When hiring a contractor, follow these steps:

Asking for Recommendations: Seek referrals from friends, family, or neighbors who have had a torch on roofing installed over a period of time.

Checking Credentials and Reviews: Verify the contractor’s license insurance, read reviews from previous clients, and seek excellent and popular choices.

When it comes to torch on roofing, DVR Roofing is the best roofing company for you. We offer roofing repairs, flat roofing, cedar roofing, and other roofing services you need. Just give us a call today to get started!


In conclusion, torch on roofing presents a reliable and effective solution for protecting your property from the elements. Its combination of durability, waterproofing, and longevity makes it a valuable choice for both residential and commercial roofs and building owners. The meticulous roof installation process, involving the application of modified bitumen sheets through controlled heating, ensures a seamless and sturdy roofing system that can withstand various weather conditions, providing multiple options for homeowners.

When considering torch on roofing for your property, take into account your location, budget, and long-term goals. While the initial investment might be slightly higher than other Roof installation options, the extended lifespan, minimal maintenance requirements, and repair costs make it a cost-effective and viable option in the long run.

Whether you’re dealing with fluctuating weather, temperature extremes, or simply seeking a roofing solution that provides peace of mind, torch on roofing stands as a versatile and dependable choice. To ensure the best results, always seek professional roof installation and roofing contractors and prioritize routine maintenance to safeguard the integrity and performance of your torch on roof for years to come.

Elevate Your Roof’s Defense with Torch On Roofing – Choose DVR Roofing!

Ready to fortify your roof against the harshest elements? DVR Roofing brings you torch on roofing, a cutting-edge technique that ensures unmatched durability and resilience. Don’t compromise on quality – opt for our top-tier services roofing experts and experience the difference torch on roofing can make for your property! Contact us now!


FAQs: What is Torch On Roofing

What is the typical lifespan of a torch on roof?

The average lifespan of a torch on roof is around 20 to 25 years. Proper installation and maintenance can extend its longevity.

Can I install torch on roofing myself?

Torch on roofing requires specialized equipment and expertise. It’s recommended to hire a professional for safe and effective installation.

Are there any fire safety concerns with torch on roofing?

Torch on roofing involves the use of open flames during installation. However, when done by experienced professionals, the risk is minimized.

How does torch on roofing perform in extreme climates?

Torch on roofing’s durable composition makes it suitable for extreme climates, including both hot and cold regions.

Can I install solar panels on a torch on roof?

Yes, torch on roofs can accommodate solar panels. Ensure proper installation of both the roofing and solar panels for optimal performance.